Thank you for your registration & before we begin – a quick note:
We’ve sent you now an email to the address you entered, with the movie links.
Please check that you received this email – because unless it’s there, you’ll NOT receive the rest of our resources.
Click here if you use [ Gmail ] or [ Yahoo ] or [ Outlook/ Hotmail/ Live ] or [ AOL ]
There may have been a typo error. Or your email provider send this email to a ‘Promotional’ folder or related.
You may need to ‘White List’ our email.
If you’re not familiar with this process – below are a number of videos, to help you fix the problem.
If the email is there, let’s just dive into your resources:
1. Go to your Email Inbox. If you registered with any of these services, just click the appropriate link below:
[ Gmail ] or [ Yahoo ] or [ Outlook/ Hotmail/ Live ] or [ AOL ]
2. In your email Inbox you should have received this email:
From: John Corneliu Angheli (
Subject: Welcome to Jonah’s Club
3. If you have not received this email (allow up to 2 minutes) here below are some useful resources, for how to ‘White List’ emails: