Want to Partner With Us?

Then Become a Joint Venture Partner or Affiliate with Jonah’s Club


‘Virtue is its own reward’, wrote once John Henry Newman.

This is what we teach here at Jonah’s Club and it’s the foundation for all that we practice.

But wouldn’t be good, if those who chose to partner with us and promote our work, also receive an equal and equitable share in this project?

This is what’s on offer when you chose to partner with Jonah’s Club.

We seek to partner with people and business who live by the ethos of virtue. We have a range of high profile affiliate partners because of the values teach, and we’re discerning to chose with whom we create win-win partnerships.

We aim to affiliate with those who share our worldview and desire to co-create a culture of virtue. As such, for those supporting our mission, we have a special plan in place to offer your audience great value, together with passive financial support, so you can continue your mission, in kind.

We seek particularly authors, content creators and experts who have their own platform talking about personal development, philosophy, health and well-being.

We can give you many resources by which you can amplify your marketing efforts and make the most of your time in the pursuit of helping your audience become all that they can be.

Does this sound good with you?

If yes, please contact us through the form on the right, and let us mastermind on how we can help one another to bring about the total good.

Affiliate Application

Please fill out the following affiliate contact form provided:

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please contact us via our contact page.

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