Become a Jonah’s Club Leadership Formation Coach

Be part of our team and support other IT leaders
to become the kind of leaders they’ve always wanted to be

Apply here to be part of our team of passionate coaches who seek to create a culture of total leadership in our communities around the globe.

You’ll be part of our exclusive mastermind of world-class thought leaders, and as coach and faculty member in Jonah’s Club you can:

  • Directly support individuals to realize their best habits and best character strengths
  • Collaborate with world-class thinkers onto the latest, best practices for synergic leadership formation and self-actualization
  • Extend your professional and public profile as part of our staff
  • Earn additional revenue

About Our Collaboration with Us

We are a collective of committed, intelligent and passionate coaches, from various fields like business, psychology, theology, philosophy and science, who believe in the vision of creating a culture of virtue.

We mastermind within a cross-section of experts like you, to create a best-of-class curriculum and practical personal development pathway – for the formation of the habits that strengthen our body, mind and soul.

Join Us!

If you resonate with our mission and seek to be part of our faculty, please submit here your interest with us.

After you submit the form, we will get in contact with you within a few days time and we will take it from there. We look forward to hearing from you!

Coach Application

Please fill out the following contact form provided:

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Coach Application Contact”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Area of Expertise You’d Like to Coach On:” type=”checkbox-multiple” required=”1″ options=”Philosophy,Psychology,Business,Social Science,Theology,Physics,Biology,Anthropology,General Science,Arts,Literature,Other”][contact-field label=”Please provide some information about your education and experience:” type=”textarea” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Do you have any examples of your work online – article, video or podcast – that you can link to here?” type=”text”][/contact-form]

© 2023 Jonah's Club by Center for Meaningful Leadership Inc - A Non-Profit Organization


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