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Our Mission Is to Empower IT Leaders to
Build the Mental Strengths Of a Meaningful Leader

Jonah’s Club serves IT Leaders who seek to go beyond the shallowness of today’s leadership education that produces much talk but little fruit.
Based on direct lessons and practices derived from philosophy, science and psychotherapy, we support our members to cultivate the seven strengths of our mental well-being and excellence.
We are home to the unique science and technology, Neuro Tetra Dynamics (or the Four Faculties Framework). We have developed a one-of-a-kind training process that supports the formation of the great virtues, so we establish a life of meaning, happiness and power.

To Learn All About It and Get Started
– read our Meaningfully Lead manifesto, right now!

For Those Who Seek To Live a Life Heroic

JONAH’S CLUB is for those who believe
that life is more than just survival.
It’s for more than playing the rat race (no matter how glamorous)
and more than just having a pleasant lifestyle.
We all have a unique destiny!
We all have a one-of-a-kind role to play out in this world
that makes a meaningful and profound difference.
Our lives are irreplaceable and the world is a poorer place
when failing to realize our highest roles.
Whether you do or don’t know your highest destiny,
at Jonah’s Club we come together to explore and empower
our personal heroic journey.
We make it happen by cultivating the seven major character strengths
that bring fulfillment and meaning to life.

One Million Members Can’t Be Wrong!

Of course they can! It happens all the time.
We’re glad you’re paying attention. 😉
For this isn’t our aim.
Jonah’s Club is a place for those on the ‘path less travelled’.
We exist as to make a difference
in the life of one single member only:
The Heroic Soul.
At Jonah’s Clubs we engage in a learn-by-doing program
to sculpt our highest vision, our mission and the practices
which has our soul ‘be well pleased with itself’.
So join us today, 
and realize the potential of your soul’s story
– living a life heroic.


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